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Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Started a 10-day detoxification on Sunday July 4. I used the Viva supplements as
follows: Green Barley, FloraGuard, Viva Plus and FiberCleanse.

Day 1 - July 4
Morning - Made a shake of the above products in the following measurements:
Green Barley - 1 scoop (Detoxify)
FloraGuard - 1 scoop (Balance the Good & Bad Bacteria in the gut)
Viva Plus - 2 scoops (Meal supplement consisting of amino acids among others)
FiberClease - 1 scoop (Fiber to improve bowel movement)
Water = 5 oz

Lunch - 2 hard boiled eggs and 2 small apples

Dinner - The same shake as above and 2 small apples

Note - Drank plenty of water in between shakes and meals but at an interval of half an hour before consumption of shake and food.

Other routine - Took breathing exercises - morning, afternoon and evening.
Although it is recommended to exercise 6 times in 10 days for at least 15 minutes, I followed my normal schedule of exercising only on Monday & Friday for 2 hours each day.

Day 2 - July 5
Morning - Took the same shake as bove and went to the gym to exercise for 2 hours.

Lunch - Fish porridge with just a bit of organic light soya sauce, garlic oil and parsley.

Dinner - Took the shake.

Other activities and liquid consumption - same as Day 1

Day 3 - July 6
Morning - Took the shake.

Lunch - Had "chee cheong fun" - plain with just some sesame seeds, sesame oil and a little organic light soya sauce. Half an hour after lunch, ate an apple.

Dinner - Ate "dorset cereals" consisting of fruit, nuts and seeds (three-quarter cup).

Drank a lot of water as in day 1. Breathing exercises as usual.

Day 4 - July 7
Morning - Took the shake

Lunch - Fish porridge and half an hour later took an apple

Dinner - Took the shake

Day 5 - July 8
Morning - Made a shake

Lunch - Had 2 vegetable popiah

Dinner - Had 3-quarter cup Dorset Cereals.

Friday - Day 6 - July 9
Morning - Took a shake and went to attend a Bible Study Fellowship hosted by a friend at 10.30am.

Today due to social obligation, I had to break the detox regime as the host had prepared a lot of food and not wanting to be seen as anti-social, I obliged to eat.

Although I had my detox cut short, I felt good even after that. My bowel movement continued to be good and there were no cravings. Today is Sunday and I just ate normally but conscious of amount of intake though. On the whole the detox has made my body feel lighter. I have yet to weigh myself. Will do it when I go to the gym tomorrow.

Monday - July 11
Morning - Went to the gym and had my weight taken and was pleasantly surprised - I lost half a kg in weight.

Before I embarked on the detoxification program, it has been my normal routine in the morning to take the Viva Vibrant Pack as my breakfast on a daily basis. This I find has helped my bowel
movement all year long besides helping me to be healthy without feeling hungry and giving me the energy to exercise.

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