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Saturday, June 4, 2011

SALT-FREE FOOD..............

Yesterday, June 3 Bryan Phua decided to take a salt-free diet as his blood pressure was a little on

the high side in the morning. He took part of the dish consisting of prawns cooked with garlic, a dash of lemon juice and a bit of chili padi. He completed his meal with a glass of Viva Green shake and some supplements. To his surprise
his blood pressure returned to normal by midnight. For more information, log on to "lynnphua.blogspot.com".

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Everyone likes to have a face that exudes health. One that glows and radiant. Take charge and start supplementing on Viva AgeGuard and Royal Jelly.

Sharing on Eyes, Eyes, Baby

Sharing on Eyes, Eyes, Baby